Responsible Tourism in Blackbuck National Park, Velavadar
"We strongly believe We are part of the natural system not above it”
Velavadar national park, situated in the Bhavnagar district of Gujarat, is a hidden gem of scenic beauty and a precious gift of nature. The contribution and assistance of native people play a significant role in the well-being of the Velavadar forests.The local populace of Velavadar believe that they have a prominent role in shaping the future of the forests. The jungle and parks have been creating employment opportunities for locals in order to help them earn, sustain their families and live a better life. Hence, the national park has played a significant role in helping the locals to improve their standards of living. The native people have constantly been engaging in conservation practices of the jungles, parks, wildlife, and plant species of Velavadar while providing a great experience to the visitors and holding the local culture and tradition intact at the same time.

In order to ensure the prosperity of their flora and faunal species, people address the relevant concerns and try to create an improved lifestyle within the existing ecosystem. To preserve the natural habitats, the people of Velavadar have consciously made efforts to learn and earn a livelihood by serving nature.They strive to provide the best services to people coming from all over the world while uniting the efforts of sightseeing along with the preservation of its historic biodiversity.
Velavadar National Park is an area that is strictly conserved for the welfare of its natural habitats and where practices such as poaching, shooting, grazing, etc are strictly prohibited. To maintain its unique grassland and ecological balance, locals and the official service providers consciously make sustainable choices and expect visitors and other travellers to do the same. The following practices are in line with the mission of protecting and conserving the unique flora and fauna of the park by practicing responsible tourism methods.

Wildlife Conservation:
The endangered blackbucks are the star faunal species of Velavadar. The thoughtful guidelines provided by the people of Velavadar to tourists and nature enthusiasts helped to preserve these endangered species. In 1960, the population of blackbucks was just 200, but at present, it is a conservatory of up to 3000 blackbucks. The protection and conservation could not have been possible without the assistance and support of the local people.
Localized Experience:
A unique way of engaging in responsible tourism is providing visitors a more meaningful and delightful experience of travel by integrating their visit with local people, culture, customs, and beliefs. Living amidst the local residents will ultimately enhance the experience and knowledge of travellers and will allow them to be a part of the local heritage. Visitors can have a taste of locally grown food resulting in increased support to the marginal farmers and local shops.
Maximize Impact:
A growing attention towards sustainable livelihood and environmental consciousness will help visitors make conscious and eco-friendly choices. Visitors must be encouraged and introduced to native skills, regional and cultural activities that are an intrinsic part of leading a rustic and rural life.
The tourism sector is a substantial domain of employment opportunities and economic growth across the world. The rise in the number of travellers has a considerable impact on the environment, resources, and life of the local inhabitants. It is the responsibility of both visitors and service providers to ensure that the factor of sustainability is addressed and maintained. Velavadar is renowned for being an exotic destination for exploring wildlife in Gujarat. The highlight of Velavadar is its unique grassland ecosystem and thus, the tourism authorities in Velavadar try to minimize the negative effects of travel on nature. Although it might take a little time to make a notable difference to preserve the ecosystem, rural economy, and wildlife. But slowly and gradually, these small steps will lead to something bigger and better.